Sunday, March 22, 2009

iMac & Adobe Lightroom

It's been far too long since I've updated! It's been a busy start to the year, especially slow because I was having some real computer issues. My PC is six years old, and it was no longer able to handle basic things, like image correction or even storing larger files. It was time for a replacement. With this year's tax refund, I picked up an iMac, named Luma.

It's been such a great computing experience so far, I am floored at how very much it has increased my efficiency. I am most excited about Adobe Lightroom. I had read a bit about it, but not tried it out. In a recent Layers Magazine, they had an article on a photographer's workflow using Lightroom. So I gave it a whirl and fell in love -- it's just such a great way to process and organize photos, I recommend every photographer give it a try. I am really excited to be using it for all future shoots!